The transition in Spain to what is being called “the new normality” will take place in four phases, each lasting two weeks. If all goes well most of the country will complete the transition by the 22nd of June. Recently, the Spanish Government gave the go ahead for 50% of the country to proceed from Phase 0 to Phase 1. The Autonomous Region of Madrid and 3 of the 4 provinces of the Autonomous Region of Catalunya must remain a further 2 weeks in Phase O (this depends on the socio-sanitary conditions, the beds available in Intensive Care Units, the number of infections, etc.)

May 4th – Stage 0

Two adults who cohabit can go for one walk a day of maximum one hour and 1km from your home. Individual sport is permitted (jogging, bike riding, etc.). Each age group has a separate time for these activities (adults 06:00-10:00 + 20:00-23:00; vulnerable population 10:00-12:00 + 19:00-20:00; children 12:00-19:00). Individual training of professional or federated athletes are also permitted. Restaurants are now allowed to offer pick-up service in addition to the delivery service. Small businesses are allowed to open but an appointment must be made in advance.

May 11th – Stage 1

Opening of hotels and other tourist accommodation (not the common areas), small businesses with restricted access and restaurants and bars (terraces only) limiting the capacity to 50%. Social reunions of maximum 10 persons with social distancing measures. Museums and churches can open to 30% of their capacity.

May 25th – Stage 2

Restaurants will be allowed to open their indoor areas – with a limit of the usual capacity and the corresponding safety distance. Cinemas, museums, auditorium theatres, exhibition halls, conference rooms and similar premises may reopen, also with a limited capacity of one third and with allocated seats.

Cultural events may be held indoors with up to 50 people and outdoors with up to 400 people.

June 8th – Stage 3

General mobility is further loosened up and the capacity of commercial activity (retail trade) is increased to 50%. Further loosening will be introduced for the gastronomy sector, while still maintaining strict conditions of distance between individuals. Beaches will reopen.



Obviously, we lost all our projected income for Q1 and Q2, but we are pleased that the majority of our customers have postponed their tours to 2021. Business for September and October remains on the books and we are monitoring the situation with our clients.

Given the circumstances we feel that this is an incredibly positive trend!

Spainally is financially solid, we will survive these tough times and continue to be your trustworthy ally in Spain.

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