Spain and Coronavirus, “the new normality”, as of 21st JUNE 2020

The State of Alarm decreed by the Spanish Government on the 14th March 2020 in response to the Covid-19 pandemic (enabling it with extraordinary legal powers) terminates on the 21st June 2020 and “the new normality” begins.

What is new about this normality?

The use of facemasks continues to be obligatory for all persons over the age of 6 in enclosed public spaces and outdoors; if distance of 1.5m cannot be kept. Masks must be used on all air, sea, bus, and rail transportation, as well as in private vehicles if the occupants do not live together. The decree will remain in force until the Spanish Health Ministry determines that the pandemic no longer presents a danger.
Travel for Spanish residents within the country (from one community to another) is now permitted as is travel within countries belonging to the Schengen Agreement. Previously, starting on the 15th of June, a test trial began in the Balearic Islands for German tourists who were allowed entry without having to observe quarantine. Checks (temperature and a sworn statement) will be enforced at airports and ports.

The European Commission recommends partial and gradual lifting of travel restrictions (for non-Schengen countries) to the EU after 30th June, based on common coordinated approach.
All sports and other activities are now allowed without any time restrictions.
Restaurants and hotels may open with restricted capacity. Night clubs may open also open with restricted capacity and with exception of the dance floor.
The State of Alarm is lifted, but regional governments may establish local rules concerning the limits of capacities and crowds, as well as restrictions to certain activities. Should any new outbreaks of Covid-19 occur, specific lockdowns may be implemented by municipal health authorities.

If we all behave responsibly, we can avoid new outbreaks and will return to a full normal situation as soon as possible!

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